Wake Up And Live

A Red Fern Grows

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on April 27, 2009




Fungus on a Stick

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on October 22, 2008

It may only be fungus on a stick but I happen to think it’s beautiful 🙂 Maybe I just need to get out of the house more LOL

Dragonfly Macro Shot

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on October 22, 2008

Is it possible?!

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on October 15, 2008

Could there actually be a cute spider? I shot this little lady today. Maybe I’m crazy but I see eyelashes and a smile! And, no, I did not photoshop this picture one bit! Isn’t she cute?

3 Pictures

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on October 12, 2008

All Dried Up

The Little Spider

The Leaf

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on October 10, 2008

This little guy built a fabulous web out on Lilys playset today. Lily was totally freaked out by him even though he was no bigger than my pinkie nail but I, of course, had to go and get the macro lens.

Queen Annes Lace

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on September 21, 2008

This is a picture that I took for the iSpy Weekly Challenge Flickr group. The challenge was silhouettes.

A Bugs Face

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on August 31, 2008

Bugs give me the willies but I still like photographing them 🙂

Pictures from Today!

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on August 28, 2008

Caterpillars in August

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on August 20, 2008

Today Lily and I stumbled upon a tree full of Eastern Tiger Swallowtail caterpillars. I had never seen one before so it was an exciting find (yes, I’m a dork). They have false eyes to deter predators. Their real head is underneath the false eyes.

And we also saw tons of Monarch caterpillars today. Lily got very excited when she found one and insisted on holding it.