Wake Up And Live

No More Ants in My Hummingbird Feeder!

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 24, 2008

So, I’ve had my hummingbird feeder up since late spring and was getting pretty bummed out because I wasn’t seeing any hummingbirds. I saw one but that was it. So I decided to check out the feeder to make sure nothing was wrong with it. Well, when I brought it inside and opened it up I discovered the problem and it smelled disgusting! What looked like a whole colony of ants had climbed in and drown in the nectar. So, I emptied and washed it and refilled it. Well, within a matter of days the same thing happened. I looked on a whole bunch of different sites for a solution and they were all telling me that I needed to buy a special feeder that had some sort of cup over top of the feeder that I’m supposed to fill with water and the ants will drown in. There had to be a simpler solution! And I found one that worked like a charm! Vicks Vaporub! I actually used Baby vicks because it was all I had in the house. You coat the wire that the feeder hangs from in Vicks and it keeps the ants away and the hummers don’t mind it! I have so many hummingbirds at my feeder now that they are fighting over the nectar! I got pictures too!

Soon to be listed!

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 24, 2008

Soon to be listed at Simply Sarahs

Shrink Plastic Earrings

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 24, 2008

So, here they are…my first try at making jewelry with shrink plastic 🙂 I had so much fun making them!