Wake Up And Live

The Eastern Hognose Snake

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 30, 2008

Or as Seth called it….a cobra LOL I’m standing in the bathroom shaving my legs and Seth comes in and tells me there’s a cobra in the yard. Of course I had to get the camera. It’s a scary looking snake but harmless.


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 24, 2008


Iceland is Whaling Again

On May 20, 2008, Iceland announced that it would allow 40 minke whales to be killed over the next six months. This is in open defiance of the commercial whaling ban that the International Whaling Commission (IWC) implemented in 1986, and a reversal of the country’s decision in 2007 to halt this brutal practice.

HSI commends Iceland’s foreign affairs minister, Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, for her comments criticizing the choice to resume whaling. Gísladóttir noted the negative effects that this whale hunt will have on the reputation and future of Iceland.

By contrast, Iceland’s fisheries minister, Einar Kristinn Guðfinnsson, is choosing to ignore the consequences of the hunt and allowing this unnecessary slaughter to proceed when he could be promoting whale watching, a lucrative alternative, instead.


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 24, 2008

We just started seeing the Monarchs around a couple of weeks ago but haven’t yet seen any eggs….until yesterday! We found our first Monarch egg! And it’s a good thing we took it home with us because the town decided to mow the sides of the roads today and the milkweed that was growing down by the pond got mowed. We saved this little butterflies life 🙂


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 23, 2008

So, right now Lily is obsessed with my breasts. She wants to touch them and pull them out and play with them all of the time. I’m trying to teach her that they are private and explain to her what they are for. So one day I told her that when she was a baby she drank milk from my breasts. She looked at me and just kind of walked away but then for the rest of the day and every day after she tell everyone “When I was a baby I drank milk from mommys boobs!” But that’s not it….she made up another part of the story….”When I was a baby I drank milk from daddys boobs!” LOL Seth tells her over and over that he doesn’t have milk…it’s quite funny 🙂

Cute Maternity Shirt!

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 23, 2008

Just thought this was a great maternity shirt!

Etsy :: phippsart :: Maternity Fetus Shirt

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 22, 2008

We got some really good news from Micah the other day!  They changed his leave so that he can be here for Christmas and New Years!  We’re so excited because we were expecting him to get home in January.  It will be nice to have the family together on Christmas 🙂 

Micah being his silly self

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Yeondoo Jung

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 22, 2008

(found this on How About Orange) Who is that you ask? A Korean artist who took a group of childrens drawings and turned them into photographs. It’s pretty cool! You can check them out here: http://www.yeondoojung.com/artworks_view_wonderland.php?no=88

The Big Ball

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 22, 2008


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 22, 2008

Lily and I took a walk yesterday and Lily got to taste her first wild strawberry! They were everywhere and they were delicious! She spent the rest of the day talking about them and now I’m sure she will look for them everytime we walk.


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on June 20, 2008

I wanted to wait to be sure before I posted this….


After waking up dry every morning for a month I decided to get rid of the diapers and just put her in her undies over night. That was months ago and we haven’t had one single wet morning! Do you know how happy I am not to have to deal with diapers anymore?!