Wake Up And Live

Things about Lily

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 29, 2008

When she knows I’m mad or upset she comes and gives me little kisses up and down my arms.

She think that everything has a voice because daddy gives everything a voice. Today she was very into talking to the wall that talked back to her with an English accent.

She will walk up to me and tell me “I want some love”

She’s so outgoing unlike Seth or I when we were her age.

She knows her abc’s and can count to 20 and her artwork gets better everyday.

Her favorite time of the day is the half an hour before bed when she gets to work with daddy in his studio.

She loves to sing and dance. When I ask her what she wants to listen to her answer is always Bob Marley or Mr. Pit (Mr. Pitiful by Matt Costas).

Her favorite cat is Samson because he is the only one who will come when she calls.

She eats so well. She loves vegetables and fruit and she will try almost anything.

She informed me the other day that she’s weird. Then today she informed daddy and I that we are weird.

Her favorite juice is apple.

Her favorite toy is a ride on winnie the pooh train that she’s had since she could walk. She still rides it everyday. She always has someplace to be…the doctor, the store, etc.

She has names for both grandmas. My mom is computer grandma because she mainly sees her on the webcam. Seths mom is strawberry grandma because whenever they visit she brings Lily strawberries and cheese.

Monarch Caterpillar

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 29, 2008

Our monarch caterpillar is growing so fast! I don’t remember them growing this fast last year! Lily talks to him everyday so maybe that’s helping him along 🙂 I think he will be going into chrysalis soon. I can’t wait….
This is not the greatest picture because it was taken through glass…

Another Hummingbird Shot

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 29, 2008

I took the color away from the background so that you could better see the beautiful colors of this little guy. I believe that he is a young male ruby throated hummingbird but I’m not positive.