Wake Up And Live


Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 25, 2008

What’s going on in my life?

Lily…she rules this house. I like to think I have control over this house but when I step back and observe it’s really my sweet little daughter who is in control. She has got Seth and I wrapped around her finger. This is a problem for me. The one thing I said I would never do is have an only child who gets her way all of the time. She is getting better at fake crying every day. I don’t give in to her anymore but I used to just to get her to be quiet. That’s not happening anymore and I think she’s starting to realize that I’m on to her game. So, when she “cries” I laugh…I laugh hysterically, and she hates it and then stops. Oy! Mothering is no easy job.

I’ve been making lots of jewelry and even made a new bag. I’m so glad that I have hobbies. I don’t know what I would do with myself if I didn’t. It’s been a long while since I’ve done any scrapbooking. I miss doing it but right now I enjoy the other things that I’m doing even more. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just over the whole scrapbooking thing but I know I’m not because when I see certain pictures I just know that they have to be scrapped.

I’m not in much pain right now. I’ve got it down to exactly when the pain comes and goes. It has to do with ovulation. It lasts a little over a week and is pretty intense. But when it’s gone it’s gone. I still have yet to see the doctor but atleast now when I do see her I can tell her exactly when and for how long I’m in pain.

Nothing else really major to report. Just doing my day to day thing, taking one day at a time, trying to enjoy life and not be angry that the high oil prices are putting a damper on my summer.

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Etsy Finds For The Kitchen

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 25, 2008

A covered casserole by jmrpottery

A sugar and creamer set by alinahayes

A berry colander and dish set by baileybowls

A lettuce leaf bowl by dbabcock

A cake stand with dogwood blossoms by whitneysmith