Wake Up And Live

Lilys New Favorite Word

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 18, 2008

It’s definitely not a word that I want her yelling out while we are out of the house!


We informed her today that it was a word that she could only say in the bathroom. We didn’t think she would actually listen to us but she did. Throughout the day she kept running into the bathroom and yelling out diarrhoea and giggling. Then she would come running and clap. Silly little monkey!

My New Card

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 18, 2008

I ordered cards to use as a business card/earring card. I love how they came out!

The Dragonfly

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 18, 2008

I don’t know that I’ve seen a dragonfly of this color before…beautiful. The second shot was unexpected and came out blurry but I like the dreamy effect 🙂

Faces of Lily

Posted in Uncategorized by Sarah Skeen on July 18, 2008